A few years ago, the little town of Rjukan gained worldwide attention through Martin Andersens sculptural art project RJUKAN SUN-MIRROR (2013).
The Sun-Mirror in Rjukan is a project that proves the power which perhaps today lies somewhat dormant within the sector of visual arts. It hints at what's possible if the arts really enter into dialogue with local communities, really enter into interdisciplinary collaborations (the technology developed for the sunmirror was later studied by NASA, to be used on the moon) and really utilize the potential of the digital age, to dissolve and restructure the old power-dynamics between center and periphery, into a symbiotic relationship of collaboration.
For the 2023 FESTIVAL PILOT, Rjukan Solarpunk Academy has initiated collaborations with artist-collectives and initiatives which are already experienced in building art-sector-infrastructures in decentralized settings. Such as Mustarinda in Finland, Kultivator in Sweden and curator Ekaterina Sharova from Arctic Arts Institute who has done the important and challenging work of building infrastructure for visual arts and critical thinking in the Euro Arctic Region.
We are also collaborating with Rodrigo Ghattas-Perez, one of the initiators of the organization ‘Verdensrommet’, which is currently working from Lima, Peru on future plans that will bring artists from all over the world back to Rjukan, to carve out new visions and potentials as we collectively move towards a new normal.
Locally, in the district of Tinn, we are collaborating with ‘Norsk Industriarbeidermuseum’ on implementing the art installations of the festival at various sites in the local topography and industrial heritage.
We are also very happy to collaborate with the ‘Tinn Association of the Arts’ and the ‘NåDa’ project, on a new project by ‘Sunmirror’ artist Martin Andersen.
Photocred: Robin Everett